Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Plans, Wishes and Reality

This is the plan of our garden, we added the bit on the right side or as I like to call it "The Secret Garden". It isn't very secret but it is fairly hidden and had not been used at all in decades.

The first dig around to see what the soil was like made me think it was ok. Turns out, that must have been the dump corner as the rest of the soil was terrible!! Very heavy clay full of streaks of iron and under that is pure clay for a good 5 ft.

Add to that a lack of drainage for the whole area and I had to change most of the ideas that I had.

A tropical jungle was out, so was rows and rows of perfect looking veggies. The slugs see to that one.

My first step was to sit looking at as many photos of gardens as I could find, ones on the web that I liked the look of I put together in a folder. This was actually one of the most useful things that I did as sometimes it is hard to form a concrete picture in your head of what you are aiming for (no concrete).

Most of all this helped me realise what I really didn't want, which is flat, dull and full of overbred lifeless plants. The photo above was one I found that I liked, lots of colour and height.

My wish list:
  • to be eating lots fruit and veg out of the garden
  • for it to look a least a bit wild and jungle-ish.....lots of climbers, lots of height
  • loads of herbs and flowers for cooking, and for using in soaps and creams etc. including the weird, unusual and poisonous!
  • a couple of compost heaps and a worm bin
  • wildlife friendly, lots of bees and butterflies please
  • looks good and fairly low maintenance

......and a hammock to enjoy it all from, still waiting for that one!

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