Sunday, 24 October 2010

Long time no see

There has been lots to do in the garden this year, but not the spare time to do it in. Unfortunately the garden had to take a back seat this year, I have had to work lots of hours and make hundreds of bars of soap!

The only good thing is the realisation that the garden doesn't really need me any more! (boo hoo). It has hardly missed me, produced lots of lovely flower displays and tubs and tubs of fruit. My vegetable supply is embarrassing but so what, the fruit tastes nicer anyway. Many a happy breakfast hour was spent sitting by the pond with a bowl of muesli and yoghurt topped up with freshly picked black and red currants.

Which has to lead me onto a rant about the weather, yes I know I live in Scotland and we are not famous for our long, hot summers but why!!!!!!!!!!! The few weeks that were was hot and sunny was missed by me, except when carrying decorating gear in and out houses.

Now we are well into October the mornings are getting frosty, the tomatoes in the polytunnel are dying and I am starting to plan for winter again. The used bedding from the rabbits is getting piled up at the base of vunerable plants and generally thrown about over the strawberries. The next plan is to get the rabbit hutch protected against the worst of the weather. The forecast for this year is for a hard winter again, great for taking photographs but less good for just about anything else!